Friday, January 31, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Inspiration for You

The inspiration for today is three stories like normal. One is about a clown who is sad. Another is about a gorilla that lives in the jungle. The third is about two boys who fight a lot.

The first story is about a clown who is sad. There was a sad clown. He was sad because he could not make anyone laugh. He tried with kids, teens, and even adults, but no one laughed. One day when the clown was moping, a little girl walked up to him and asked, "Why are you sad?" The clown replied, "Because no one laughs at my jokes." The girl started laughing. The clown felt better. The lesson is that you always need a friend.

The next story is about a gorilla that lives in the jungle.  There was a lonely gorilla that lived in the jungle. Although he was lonely, he did not like any other gorilla. He scorned on his kind.  Yet the fact that he was a gorilla too, he reffused to admit it. He said he was a human one day and the next he was a flamingo. One day another gorilla gave him a mirror and he saw himself as a gorilla for the first time. The lesson is you don’t know what you are until you see yourself, so look at yourself often.

The final story is about two boys that fight very much. They were brothers. One was Hector and the other was Vector. Hector and Vector fight a lot as you know. They wrestle, box, and fight Kung Fu style. One day they were so tired they could not fight and made a truce. They lived the rest of their lives not fighting and staying truced.

The Words that Inspire


can change


entire day



That word is inspire. That is exactly what I am writing about, inspiration. So the inspiration today is about a princess who wanted a dragon, a dragon who wants to be free, and one little dwarf who is not appreciated. I am going medieval style today.

First, there was a princess who lived in the grandest castle ever. She had everything she could ever want except… a pet dragon. That was the only thing she ever wanted. She waited for the dragon to come for 3 years, but it never came. She finally asked the Queen for a dragon and the next day she got one. The lesson here is you just have to ask a question.

Second, story is about a dragon who wants to be free. The dragon is locked up in a dungeon 3 miles underground and cannot get out. He is very sad because the mean humans locked him up for no reason. He tried to escape many times but never succeeded. He tried one more time and it did not work. The lesson is to never try because you will fail or something like that.

Third story is about a dwarf that is not appreciated. There once was a sad dwarf who wasn’t appreciated. He tried to help people but he always messed things up. He was very clumsy. He messed things up so much that he was banned from the world. He was shot into space and was never seen again. The lesson here is to never be clumsy or you will be shot into space.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Look at my Blog

          Welcome to the Inspiralor's Chamber. Here is where you read for inspiration. You learn about random stories that may inspire you to make a blog yourself. The stories may or may not be real. No matter it will inspire you in many ways.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Words of Inspiration


          If you need inspiration, read this.  If you just want to read then carry on too. Here is a short story that might inspire you. One day there was a sad boy. He was looking for inspiration just like those who are reading this. He was a painter. He saw a bee and followed it. Then he found a bee hive. He painted that bee  and was no longer sad. You need to be like him and find your bee. Follow your bee to the hive and inspiration lays there.
            If you did not understand that analogy, read this one.  One night a little girl lost a tooth. She wanted the tooth fairy to come get her tooth. She could not go to sleep so she waited and waited and finally the tooth fairy came. She was patient and waited for her “inspiration” to come. Just wait or read more inspirational stories.
            Another analogy, sorry, I will try to do better this time. There was a man who was about to do his bucket list below.
Live until 85  Jump off of Cliff  Eat dragon fruit  Eat curry dog
He was disturbed by a little boy while eating curry dog.  He was stomping his way toward the door when the door opened. He became scared. When the boy came in he was upset that his great, great, great, great, great grandpa’s dad had fallen. That is why you should never open a door without someone opening it first.

            I hope I helped you with this inspiration stuff, if not, sorry. 
 Until Next Time