Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Words that Inspire


can change


entire day



That word is inspire. That is exactly what I am writing about, inspiration. So the inspiration today is about a princess who wanted a dragon, a dragon who wants to be free, and one little dwarf who is not appreciated. I am going medieval style today.

First, there was a princess who lived in the grandest castle ever. She had everything she could ever want except… a pet dragon. That was the only thing she ever wanted. She waited for the dragon to come for 3 years, but it never came. She finally asked the Queen for a dragon and the next day she got one. The lesson here is you just have to ask a question.

Second, story is about a dragon who wants to be free. The dragon is locked up in a dungeon 3 miles underground and cannot get out. He is very sad because the mean humans locked him up for no reason. He tried to escape many times but never succeeded. He tried one more time and it did not work. The lesson is to never try because you will fail or something like that.

Third story is about a dwarf that is not appreciated. There once was a sad dwarf who wasn’t appreciated. He tried to help people but he always messed things up. He was very clumsy. He messed things up so much that he was banned from the world. He was shot into space and was never seen again. The lesson here is to never be clumsy or you will be shot into space.


  1. Wow! These stories are definitely very inspiring! I will definitely take these things to heart. I will try not to be clumsy, even though I'm extremely clumsy. I will ask more questions, and I will never try ever again.

    1. Chris you are not clumsy. You ask many questions already. You always keep trying. You will be perfectly fine in life. Just keep swimming in the water, like the fish at the top of the page

  2. Wow, the story about the dwarf was especially sad!

  3. Wow!! I will always ask questions, try, and never ever ever be clumsy. The last story was especially sad but so was the second. Why do they have to be so brutal?

  4. I do agree that you must ask questions and try not to be clumsy, but I am confused when you say that you should never try. I think that you should always try your best and the best will come. Maybe the dwarf was just really unlucky. I feel bad for him.
