Thursday, February 13, 2014

About Me!

This last inspiring blog, maybe, will be the best.  I am listening to one of my Inspiralies and I am making this about me.  Let me start with something simple.  One time I stuck my wet, sucked baby fingers in a socket.  It was fun until my mom saw me and I started crying. I was crying very hard.  I was sad.  I don’t remember anything until the next day.  That next day I ate some apple sauce and I was happy again.  Anyway, the lesson is to never stick your fingers in a socket.  Even if you do you will be happy the next day.

Next is about last week.  I was living my life. Then I got an e-mail that my blog was being hacked.  I was so scared.  I end up saving everything and destroying the blog for 1 hour.  I then created it again and posted everything back.  I looked at the e-mail again. The thing was from my friend.  I was so mad at him, I hurt him peacefully.  That might have been pretty mean but he was mean first.  The lesson is to never befriend a person who hacks.  His name is Josh. :) 
Last is a story about my friend's dog's dead squirrel.  There once was a squirrel.  He lived a happy peaceful life with a dog, a nice dog.  This dog was very nice to the squirrel.  The dog chased it but the squirrel was never scared.  Yesterday the squirrel died.  The dog was sad.  That is why you should never let a dog befriend a squirrel. R. I. P. Mr. Fripples!

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